Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Valentine's Day

Soo...what's being outcast these days? Oooh its Valentine's day, huh? Sebenernya, aku nggak pernah menganggap hari itu sebagai satu hari yang spesial, tapi berhubung namanya anak muda dengan pengaruh lingkungan, nggak munafik juga kalo ada keinginan buat nerima hal kecil seperti bunga atau coklat. Hahaha not for another dolls lah yaa, those are enough :)) Nggak tau kenapa, lagi pengeeeeen banget dikasih bunga, its gonna be supérieur sweet! Jadi entah kenapa naruh harapan besar buat valentine kali ini. Furthermore, I'm with another guy for this valentine. I expect too much out of my control.
Sabtu itu, aku pulang ldks. Wajar kan kalo lagi capek2nya. Tapi nggak tau kenapa emang hari itu lagi nggak pengen ngasih kabar, langsung tidur. Lagipula kamu lagi di malang, pikirku. Iya, jahat emang dibandingin kamu yg terus nyariin. Entahlah, I was too busy creating my own valentine's plan.
Minggu itu, our 3rd page of infinity. I was woken up by the ring of those messages that you sent the previous night. Then I tried not to be selfish, you did nothing wrong, so I tried to woke you up with some sweet words, like nothing's happened. Satu jam, dua jam, tiga jam, sampai 7 jam selanjutnya baru dibales. Then, we started our first interruption. Bukan bertengkar sih, he tried to explain gimana susahnya ngehubungin aku, kenapa nggak ngasih kabar, gimana kepikirannya dia, dan responku malah sewot. I'm way too selfish, I know. Malemnya, seperti biasa telfonan. Cerita, ketawa, sampe akhirnya dia cerita gimana mangkelnya diajak ke malang, nggak bisa beli coklat, beli bunga buat valentine. That night, aku ngerasa biasa aja. Kubilang buat apa valentine? I love you everyday, valentine kita kan tiap hari. Tapi tanggal 14 ini, it turns out 180 degree hey..
Flowers, Chocolate.. I wanna kill everyone who asked "pilaa, dapet apa dari kentung?" "pilaa katanya pengen bunga, kentung gak ngasih bunga ta?" right in front of me and you. I wanna kill 'em all. I was craving for those lil sweet attention, when you just came around, throwing a bar of chocolate, that you bought in canteen, on my hand. Bukan ini... aku mau lebih dari ini... Kebetulan, there was a papercrane on my hand. Dibikin pelampiasan aja, I made it bird-shaped. Kubilang, papercrane itu buat kamu, aku nyoba nggak peduli sama bayangan bunga, coklat, and another valentine's gift. We made fun of it. We laughed hard til our faces turned blue. Then I turned my head to you. I saw you smiling, laughing and in every lil thing you did, I'm watching. Melihat itu semua, sepertinya aku baru sadar akan sesuatu..
This is the best valentine present. Bukan bunga, bukan kado, but your presence :-)

♫ Well, for me it's waking up beside you
To watch the sunrise on your face
To know that I can say I love you
At any given time or place

It's little things that only I know
Those are the things that make you mine
And it's like flying without wings
Cos you're my special thing
I'm flying without wings

And you're the place my life begins
and you'll be where it ends
I'm flying without wings
And that's the joy you bring
I'm flying without wings ♫

Smada, 14 februari 2012
Happy Valentine's Day..
Love you, Kentung♥

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